Short Cafe Mocha for Bambie
"If you have a heart for coffee, then this is the place for you."
- Starbucks
Starbucks came up with this limited edition Marshmallow Mocha. Although it's good, nothing beats the good old Cafe Mocha. Why did I bring this up? Well, you know how some people say that times are changing and people are different now from before? Sometimes, it's nice to keep a few things traditional. There are some things I used to take for granted because I thought it was common behavior, but then I realized that not everyone does it...not to me anyway except my sisters. Am I making sense? Probably only Ate Caren will understand this. I just had to say it cause I was very touched. It's also a very good indicator of good breeding & behavior, and it's nice to know that there are still people like that.
I know I haven't blogged in a while, except Pop's birthday, but it's because I've been busy. Today, I got my short break with my Cafe Mocha and a good friend. I haven't felt this right in a long time. We talked about anything and everything. It was fun. Thank you for that.
Happy Birthday Pop
I know it's a day early but I'd love to greet my pop by singing him a song.
Pop and Me
Ahem ahem. (Vocalizes a little bit and gets into position)
Happy Birthday Pop!!!
Happy Birthday Pop!!!
He's a big little boy now
That's our Poppy Pop.
That's Pop
FYI: This is an original composition of mine during my...ahem...younger...way younger days
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Wow! It's been a long time since my last blog. I'm going back to school tomorrow and I still wish that Christmas break was about to start. First of all, I was able to hang out with friends. God, I miss them. I think I did nothing but eat. Ok, maybe sleep...and go to church...and eat dome more...and have coffee...lots of coffee...collected 2 more planners...1 is on its way. I think we visited all the Starbucks branches.
Mars, Mikey, Me (swatting flies) & Ate C
As the caption says, that's us. Why am I not smiling? I'm swatting flies with Mars' phone. We went home at 2:00 a.m. that day. We closed Starbucks :D I want coffee.
What else happened...VOSA breakfast!!! Unfortunately, I have no pictures of that. Saw you guys a lot during the break. Singing for mass and all that. Hahaha. Hope, you will have to read me again.
On Christmas eve, Macie was so happy opening all her gifts. She was more interested though in the wrapping paper than the gift. She's so cute.
I hardly slept during the new year. 6:00 a.m. I watched the sun rise. I got lucky this year and won the Php 500 in our bunutan (this is along with Ate Pebs & Kuya Nicky).
Ate Caren's right, a lot of bad things happened at the end of the year and beginning of the new year, but remember, "Hope is the greatest of the gifts we'll receive." The fact that there are still people alive and willing to make a difference in the world, there is still hope. That's all we need to be able to move forward to a better year. By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KUYA WAPPY!!!
All Boxed Up :D
Happy Birthday Tito Wappy!!!