Short Cafe Mocha for Bambie
Starbucks came up with this limited edition Marshmallow Mocha. Although it's good, nothing beats the good old Cafe Mocha. Why did I bring this up? Well, you know how some people say that times are changing and people are different now from before? Sometimes, it's nice to keep a few things traditional. There are some things I used to take for granted because I thought it was common behavior, but then I realized that not everyone does it...not to me anyway except my sisters. Am I making sense? Probably only Ate Caren will understand this. I just had to say it cause I was very touched. It's also a very good indicator of good breeding & behavior, and it's nice to know that there are still people like that.
I know I haven't blogged in a while, except Pop's birthday, but it's because I've been busy. Today, I got my short break with my Cafe Mocha and a good friend. I haven't felt this right in a long time. We talked about anything and everything. It was fun. Thank you for that.
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