Midori no Kaze

Sunday, December 12, 2004

I'm Gonna Fly...

My weekend was pretty tiring but great. There's nothing like hanging out with the good old friends who've been there practically your whole life and love you like you're the only person in the world. Thanks a lot guys. I really had fun. Since Ate Caren made some messages, I'll do the same :D

Ate Caren: Thank you for being my ate, driver, best friend and...room mate. hehehe. BE STILL YOUR BEATING HEART!!!

Kuya Wap: Thanks for putting up with me. hehehe

Regina: We missed you last weekend.

Mikey: Next time we go out, we won't take you home till 3. I'm kidding :D I don't think we can do that.

Mars: Smile :D For all of us :D

Mark: Take care of Mars :)

VOSA: I'm so excited for Saturday :D No backing out ok. And no going home early...hint hint to Matthew.

Anix & Ericka: Thanks for putting up with me too :D (see kuya wap)

Mike: Knock Knock...who's there...ube :D

You are the pilot.

Saint Exupery's 'The Little Prince' Quiz.
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1 comment(s):

Aw! How schweet! I'm touched. Be still my beating heart. :)

By Blogger Caren, at 9:14 AM  

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