Life is road, now and forever wonderful journey
My teacher in Tai-chi wasn’t kidding when he said your knees will hurt. Actually, it’s just my right knee that hurts, but that’s not really the point of this entry. After my PE class, I was in the Speed Room as usual, waiting for my Japanese class. Jeff mentioned something that I thought was a good thing to ponder on and blog about. Why is it that in school, we learn lessons then we take the tests, but in life, we take the tests, then we learn the lesson?Really, what is the answer to this question? Is it because experience is the best teacher, or people are naturally hands-on by nature? I think, it’s because if we learned the lesson first, life wouldn’t be worth living. There would be nothing left for us to know, to feel, to experience. Our life itself is a journey full of tests and lessons that make us better people, hopefully. That’s the beauty of it all, the process of knowing that we have done something.
Life throws us all these tests, most of the time in the form of choices. They’re probably our check-up quizzes, but didn’t it ever occur to you that every time we make a choice, we eliminate a possible future? That is why, we should choose carefully. Yes, we can make mistakes, terrible ones, sometimes, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t learn anything. Sometimes, things just get bad, and you don’t know what to do. Keep your chin up, it’ll pass. Smile, it’s always a good way to start. It’ll just give your life a whole new meaning.
“When life throws you lemons, make lemonade.”
1 comment(s):
hey. yeah you're right. that's why i always think that there are no such thing as learning the easy way. if that were the case it would be like going to school and learning everything we needed to learn about life. but things don't work that way. there are some of us that don't have to go through the really hard transitions and repercussions of the decisions we make. they are the lucky ones, but everyone gets hurt one way or another. the great thing about it is that someday, it'll all fall into place, we just have to be strong enough to go there.
peter parker, at
12:15 AM
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